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Illustration & Brand
Creative & Tech

😃 Project Overview

While many people understand the importance of inclusive education, there remains a gap in accessible learning opportunities for deaf and hearing-impaired students. In particular, these students often express a desire to participate in mainstream education but face communication barriers that hinder their learning experience.

🎯 Little Hand aims to address these challenges by providing an innovative online learning platform tailored to the unique needs of deaf and hearing-impaired students.

👩🏻 My Role:

• Guided product development to address remote work scheduling pain points.
• Managed design process, involving users in research, co-creation, and prototyping
• Conducted user research and stakeholder workshops to identify and address challenges.
• Developed solutions tailored to the needs of our work from home target audience.

🤞 Outcome:

A squad of designers, developer and project manager. 10 Weeks


Problem Icon

Problem Discovery 😨

The problem is that for deaf children, language is visual. It’s not passively absorbed as the sounds of life occur around them.

Special education teacher shortages have persisted for years, putting the education of the country’s most vulnerable students in a precarious position.
When people are the guardian or parent of a special child, various aspects of parenting are magnified. Special child need more parental companionship.
The lack of general awareness about deaf issues, and in particular the lack of sign language users in every day public spaces create the biggest barriers to deaf youths integration into society.

Problem Discovery 😨

The problem is that for deaf children, language is visual. It's not passively absorbed as the sounds of life occur around them.

Special education teacher shortages have persisted for years, putting the education of the country's most vulnerable students in a precarious position.
When people are the guardian or parent of a special child, various aspects of parenting are magnified. Special child need more parental companionship.
The lack of general awareness about deaf issues, and in particular the lack of sign-language users in every day public spaces create the biggest barriers to deaf youths integration into society.


Problem Icon
Competitive analysis is a key aspect when in the beginning stages of an SEO campaign.
Far too often, I see organizations skip this important step and get right into keyword mapping, optimizing content, or link building. Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps.
Problem Tab Image

What happens when people CAN’T focus?
⭐️  Workers say they get distracted while on the job, with 16 being constantly distracted.
⭐️  Not focusing can lead to procrastination which can lead to burnout - resulting in a
vicious cycle
⭐️  Makes it difficult to start a task that scares you
Problem Tab Image

What if...

Competitive analysis is a key aspect when in the beginning stages of an SEO campaign. Far too often, I see organizations skip this important step and get right into keyword mapping, optimizing content, or link building. Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test.

Research Image

Powerful Faculties

Online learning can provide more educational resources for hearing impaired children to learn more knowledge and skills.

Research Image

Building a community

Through online learning, hearing-impaired children can make more friends. Expand your social circle.

Research Image

Communicate Without Barriers

Technology can reduce communication costs for hearing impaired children and enable barrier-free communication.

Research Objective

Insights from User Research

Problem Icon
  • How does deafness affect student learning?
  • What are some strategies to support effective communication for the deaf?
  • What can teachers do to help students with hearing impairments?
  • How the learning of a hearing impaired child is affected due to its lack of ability to communicate?

User Research

📕 Desk Research

Uber added some features for drivers who were deaf and hard of hearing, including visual notifications of impending rides. Uber has updated its main app to teach riders how to sign basic phrases like "hello" and "thank you" for drivers with hearing impairments.

When you're using the Uber app to hail a ride, you'll now see a special card in your feed. Tapping it will show you some screens where you can select the phrases you want to learn. You can even learn how to spell out your name. Once you do so, you'll get a gif with the words you typed in so you can spell them out in American Sign Language. It seems like a great way to foster positive interactions with drivers who experience hearing impairments

📄 Primary Research

E-Learning Survey Results for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

Survey for Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Survey for Students and Parents with Hearing Loss grades 5-12.

Use flow Image

Design Structure

The target audience of this project is 6-16 years old hearing-impaired children. This project want to help these children to have more online learning opportunities to help them get better study result and learn more skills.

Value Proposition Persona
How might we help users break free from distractions and focus on tasks in order to help them be more productive and energetic?

Design Conception

🧏 Translation function

In this online learning platform, I want to include a real-time translation function that can translate both audio and text information to sign languages and vice versa. This way I hope more teachers could teach hearing-impaired children and the children could gain more educational resources.

Translation function

📱 UI Structures

UI structure


VI Design

Service Buleprint

After completing the final conceptual design, here I present the service blueprint based on the user’s experience.

Stakeholders Map

Fidelity Concepts

Competitive analysis is a key aspect when in the beginning stages of an SEO campaign. Far too often, I see organizations skip this important step and get right into keyword mapping, optimizing content, or link building.

Concept Image

1. Lоw Fidelity

We split up to create our own low-fidelity concepts to generate as many unique ideas as possible and disregarded.

02. Medium Fidelity

Be at the top of google page search by its powerful and incredible Search Engine Optimization technique

Concept Image
Concept Image

03. High Fidelity

Know about your company level in market with a perfect & precise market monitoring the system which is deal with social media strategy.